Limited Availability
Appleton Greene now manages some 8,400 Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC) annually, on behalf of clients, consultants, learning providers, accountants, and lawyers, 80% of which are repeat orders and Appleton Greene has provided these services for 25 years. This should really tell you everything that you need to know about why Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC), should represent an integral part of your own marketing strategy. Although campaigns all run for a consecutive period of 12 months, new campaigns are started on a quarterly basis, that is to say 2,100 campaigns per quarter during January, April, July and October every year.
This means that approximately 80% of our campaigns each year, that is to say 6,720, will be reserved for our existing customers. The remaining 20%, that is to say 1,680 campaigns each year, are then made available for new customers. Appleton Greene does usually grow its Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) client base by approximately 20% each year. Appleton Greene is a professional service provider, not just a technology service provider and as such we are understandably governed by the resources that we have have available within this department. As such Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) will always be subject to ongoing availability. Please therefore ask your Campaign Manager for further details about ongoing availability.