

Four reasons for a successful campaign

There are principally 4 reasons why your Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) will succeed: Choosing the right Email Marketing Template (EMT); Incorporating 12 Critical Success Factors (CSF), one for each of your 12 monthly emails; incorporating a clear Call To Action and having a good, user-friendly Service Order Process, which is automated online via your web site.


Email Marketing Template (EMT)

Clients can choose their own HTML Email Marketing Template (EMT), but Appleton Greene recommends that clients use the same brand and template that Appleton Greene uses for all clients. The reason for this, is that our contact database will be used to seeing the same template and the same corporate brand and this reduces the number of users misinterpreting the email as spam and ultimately unsubscribing or reporting the email as spam. They understand that the email is still being distributed from Appleton Greene, via Appleton Greene email domains and IP addresses and just features a different associated partner, product or service. Clients can still incorporate their own logo and corporate brand within the Appleton Greene Email Marketing Template (EMT). This helps to establish credibility for the client and improves open rates, click rates, and service orders. Clients are of course welcome to use their own Email Marketing Templates (EMT) and email domains, if they prefer, but we do not recommend this.


Critical Success Factors (CSF)

We ask our clients to provide the content for one Critical Success Factor (CSF), for each of the 12 monthly emails that are being sent out by Appleton Greene on their behalf, that is to say 12 Critical Success Factors (CSF) in total. This ensures that there is unique content featured within each of the 12 monthly emails and this in turn ensures that your emails will arrive safely within your customers’ inboxes. If all of the emails contain exactly the same content, then this will adversely affect the performance of your campaign and will also reduce the amount of emails that arrive within the recipient’s inboxes. By providing some unique content at the beginning of each email, together with unique content within the subject line of each email, this enables email service providers to establish clear differentiation and ensures that your emails are not wrongfully identified as spam.

It also provides your customers with something different and interesting to read about, encouraging greater customer engagement and the way in which they will brand your company. You can simply start by making a list of 12 powerful selling points that you believe your product or service has. At Appleton Greene, we refer to these as Service Benefits. Then make a list of 12 needs or objectives, that you consider your target market (industry sector and geographical location) will have. We refer to these as Key Corporate Objectives (KCO). You then need to match one Service Benefit with one Key Corporate Objective (KCO). Try to ensure that you match the strongest Service Benefits with the strongest Key Corporate Objectives (KCO). Try working through this process several times, until you are happy with the choices that you have made. A strong Service Benefit, matched with a strong Key Corporate Objective (KCO), equals a very powerful Critical Success Factor (CSF). Dedicate some quality time to this process until such a time as you are happy that you have done your best. If you personally get excited by them, then there is a distinct possibility that your prospective clients will too. Alternatively, if you feel uninspired by them, so too will your prospective clients. Now you need to write one paragraph, in your own words, consisting of between 200 and 300 words, which clearly explains the Key Corporate Objective (KCO) that you believe your prospective clients will have and the Service Benefit that you propose would satisfy this objective. You do not need to refer to you or your product or service directly, just talk about the Critical Success Factor (CSF). If you do not have the time, or the resources to do this yourself, you can always outsource the task to an Appleton Greene Professional Editor.


Call To Action

All of your emails should incorporate a clear Call To Action for your clients, something that they need to do in order to take the next step, or to register their interest. This can include, but is not limited to: placing a service order; requesting a telephone conference; requesting further information via email; or simply opting into receiving further emails regarding your product or service. Where possible, a Call To Action should be automated, in order to enable clients to retain control of the process, to ensure that it is user-friendly, time-effective and to provide a record of the Call To Action having been processed and to provide evidence that can be provided to the client if and when requested. Your Campaign Manager will be able to advise you further regarding this.


Service Order Processing (SOP)

Finally, your emails should enable your customers to place a service order automatically, should they choose to do so. This can be achieved by providing links to relevant information guides and service order forms on your own company web site. However, if you do not have such facilities online, then Appleton Greene can develop a Customer Information Hub (CIH) for you, located within the Appleton Greene web site, enabling your potential customers to access further information about your products and services, within a secure online environment and to be able to then make an informed decision about whether to proceed. Appleton Greene can also develop a variety of service order forms which can be linked to this hub for you, enabling clients to place service orders directly with you automatically and in real time. Ask your Campaign Manager to show you some examples of these hubs, so that you can decide whether to process your service orders internally, via your own web site, or externally via Appleton Greene’s web site. Remember that you have to make it easy for your customers to do business with you, otherwise, they may go elsewhere.